In Ohio: Governor Mike DeWine signs HB 250 Creating Commonsense Legislation for Cell Phone Use in the Classroom

Unite for Safe Social Media thanks the office of Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio General Assembly for signing House Bill 250, which will require all public schools to create a cell phone use policy.
“Cell phones in classrooms pose a significant challenge to learning… their presence impacts children’s ability to think.” – Governor Mike DeWine
“We’re going to focus less on likes and more on lessons.” – Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted
What swift and common-sense action Ohio students have witnessed by Ohio leadership today in the signing of HB 250. From the Lt. Governor’s school superintendents’ meetings to the Governor’s State of the State call for passage, Ohioans have witnessed a real commitment to maximizing the academic experience of Ohio’s students. Unite was honored to attend today’s signing ceremony!
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